Monday, January 16, 2012

I have done my best....

Now to top it!

 LOL I'm not what you'd call a nail 'Guru' or anything like that. While I am creative-I am no artist....

I've seen nails on blogs and posts and the internet in general that make you cock your head to the side and say -WOW! Truly amazing works of art that will be removed and never replicated to that perfection again... 

To those who can make those amazing tiny works of art-My hat's off to you!

As you can see-these were done in December of 2011. My posting updates are just a 'tiny bit' late. I'm sorry the pictures aren't what you'd see from others, but they're the best I can do for now.

This is the best nail art I personally have done, and can't seem to come close again! :-) I have no clue what all I used either, so there is no how to list. Sorry for that, but any similar nail polishes and I'm sure you can get it. Hope you enjoyed!

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