Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wildflowers Gradient

Or as Susan thought-grapes! LOL My sister was just introduced to the tiny ball beads-the one used in the caviar/fish egg look.....She's not big into nails. So to Heather I say-enjoy :-)

I used a shimmer gold base, a purple/mauve glitter base, a OMFG Gorgeous purple shimmer, some of the beads, and some glitter stripys (?) in green. Some pics may be a tad blurry-I was hoping it would show the sparkle. I'm not keen on the new blogspot style yet.....took me a minute to get here! Hope y'all enjoy. Oh, and if you haven't seen Total Black Out (on ScyFi) yet-it's HILARIOUS!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Following mishap......

We shall rebuild!!!!!!!!!!!! So a few of T's nails POPPED off!!! Literally-the whole polish! So tried a new base coat and ditched the old one. I have (since this one did the same thing-only faster) ((Mine never pop off in a day!!)), bought Orly's cement base coat rubberiser thing.(?) So we'll try that on her next time. But without further ado.....<My fav pic!
Some are  a tad blurry, but hey it shows of the sparlkies!

Tanaya's Nails

So, this manicure took about four hours. Between us catching up on girl time, and me running to grab something I forgot to bring out.

My two fav pics! (LOOK at her BLING!!!!!!!!!!) And Lilly-one of our 7 dogs-and Tanaya's fav dog. Even though she doesn't like dogs lol. The little dog hair is Lilly's addition.

Her fav pose....>

Dukie Blue

Very Pic heavy. I'm NOT a Basketball fan. If I was I'd pick NC Tarheels-based on their team colors...I have a few more manicures I did on a friend, but I don't know when I'm getting those two posts up. I love this Klean color , color. So there's a before, and some after. I didn't even take pics of the left hand finished yet-won't be posting them on here, as well, I'm lazy-and this it too pic heavy as is. Hope you all enjoy.

OK , I lied....they're not cropped or anything, but here's four of the left!
Sorry I suck at formatting!