Well we're on to try number two. I'd say "this is my first Blog EVER", but that would be untrue. I just wrote edited, re edited and tried to post my first Blog. Funny thing happened-I lost it! I can't even go to my 'history' to try to find it. SMH if that's any indication of how this is going to go-we're in for a bumpy ride folks! Hope you like roller coasters-cause that's what I am. I am an old fashioned girl with newer world views....The creativity often gets stifled, but that's due to my own mental blocks. I love to find inspiration here on the internet. I'm not (by FAR) the 'most creative' person you will meet, but I'm not bland.
I'm a chubby lady who loves to do her nails and play in my makeup. Period. I've been told I care more about my makeup and nails then I do about 'real life'.....Well-I'll have that person know-SO NOT TRUE! :-) I love my real life, and since I can't afford the rock star lifestyle - and since I have no place to get dressed up for-I WILL express myself through my nails and makeup. I like to look nice for my family-especially the ones that I don't get to see often. So if they are coming over or I'm going out, I like to look decent. Can I spend three hours to make my makeup look like it's not even there-YES. DO I take three hours to make my makeup look good-HELL NO! So there it is.
I'll take the time more for my nails then my makeup really. Yet my nails - OK my polishing and art skills - are lacking. They aren't 'bad' but they aren't jaw dropping gorgeous either. So there it is-I'm not retyping ALL that I wrote last time-cause I can't remember it all! But I'm a generally good person, who makes time for others when they need or want me too-I just need a day or two's notice-PLEASE GIVE ME NOTICE! I'm not on any set schedule or routine, but I love to have advance warning! I have a plethora of quirks-one for every shade in the nail polish rack.....and I tend to write alot when I write, more then I plan on. Either way, love me or hate me, I don't mind. But I'd love it if ya loved me! :-) I hope you enjoy...
My first nail post should be at my butterfly wing effect attempts.
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